I have enabled "Keep Connected" for my AOL connection but am finding that they still disconnect me
If you have set TweakMASTER to keep your AOL connection connected, but when the prompt comes up asking if you "want to stay online" TweakMASTER fails to press the "Yes" button, this is probably due to a change in AOL's latest version.
TweakMASTER is able to press the Yes button automatically on the AOL disconnect window, and this function was made configurable to be changed depending on the AOL disconnect window title (the name of the window in the colored title bar of the popup window).
AOL is forever changing these features; if you have a new version of AOL which now prompts to disconnect using a window without a title, then TweakMASTER cannot push those buttons. Let us know if this happens to you and this will be re-examined in a future version.
You should also realize that if you are dialing up over a phone line, like with any dialup connection, noisy phone lines, power surges, call waiting and other issues may also cause your connection to spontaneously disconnect.